We produce and install objects with steel structures: production halls, industrial, commercial – service objects and objects for agriculture needs.
We produce steel structures in accordance with Factory Control Plan, meeting PN EN 1090-1+A1:2012 – production plan EXC3.
We optimise the use of construction materials and we produce executive documentation.
High quality welding technology is provided by using PN EN 3834 norms.
A notification body oversees the control of quality standards.
We are in a possession of modern production base equipped with machinery and controlled devices CNC, and details are laser cut.
We install components using specialized instrumentation, hence its uniqueness and good quality.
Preparation of steel bases before paint application is completed in accordance with PN ISO 85013 norms
We protect anti-corrosive construction by: hydrodynamic painting in accordance with PN-EN ISO 29441 norms, fire galvanizing, DUPLEX method/galvanizing and painting.
The construction is fire protected by the use of swelling paint coatings or water shower.
We have qualified personel for non-destructive testing of welds.
We perform visual /VT/, magnetic-powder /MT/ and ultrasonic /UT/ tests.
We provide high competences of engineering and technical staff as well as experienced employees on the production and assembly line.
We make components for technological lines;
We have experiance in making assembly devices;
We provide machining services and cold profiling of steel elements.