Products / Boiler EKO-ENERGY PELLET


Automatic Boiler
Moc 14 kW

Boiler with bulid-in burner, tank and fuel feeder, locked as one block with modern form. A compact shape with reasonable dimensions make it ideal to fit in the small boiler room.

EAN 5687383900456543
General information

Boiler build according to PN-EN 303-5 norms and meeting essential requirements for safety range and according to relevant regulations. The boilers are set on the low temperature C.O with automatic fuel feeder and pellet burner. Boilers meet the requirements concerning pollution emissions to atmosphere. Thermal power can be adjusted in the large range and it has high efficiency and low dust emission. It is easy to operate and clean, built with high quality elements which guarantees a long service life. Boilers are made with sheet metal.

Technical data
Parameter units EKO-ENERGY PALLET
Boiler type 14 17 22 28 35
Nominal power KW 14 17 22 28 35
Minimal power KW 4 5 6 8 10
Power range KW 4-14 5-17 6-22 8-28 10-35
Class wg PN-EN 303-5:2012
Heating area
Heating loss, maximum power M2 2,0 2,2 2,7 3,3 3,5
Room heating area KW 0,42 0,51 0,66 0,84 1,05
Basic fuel M2 DO 140 DO 170 DO 280 DO 350


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MAR-SPAW Sp. z o.o.

Tryńcza 409A, 37-204 Tryńcza
NIP: 794-174-51-96
KRS: 0000281232

Kapitał zakładowy wniesiony: 663 400 zł

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